Our family law team at Patrick Lawrence Partnership are highly experienced and professional, offering a wide range of advice and assistance.
How We Can Help…
Our family law team at Patrick Lawrence Partnership are highly experienced and professional.
Patrick Lawrence has been practising family law in Gravesend, Kent, for over 35 years and is a member of the Law Society's Advanced Family Law Panel. We also have solicitors who are members of the Law Society’s Children Panel.
Our family team offers advice and assistance in cases involving:
Children (including Children in Care and Step-Parent Adoption)
We can also offer help with Mediation.
Patrick Lawrence Partnership are one of few remaining solicitors firms able to offer Legal Aid and Legal Help funding. Please click here to find out more.
For those who do not qualify for Legal Aid, we offer a number of different fixed fee packages.
The information on the following pages should not be considered as formal legal advice. Please contact us to book an appointment if you would like further information or more detailed advice.
Click here to meet Our Team.
If we cannot help
As a firm we do not try to offer a quality service to clients in all fields. This web site sets out what we do, but if you have a problem that we cannot help in we will try to guide you to someone that can.
The following resources may help you if you want to look for someone yourself without speaking to us:
i. Civil Legal Advice; https://www.gov.uk/civil-legal-advice
ii. Solicitors Generally https://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/2.