Financial disputes can arise from any form of relationship breakdown - a marriage, a civil partnership or a couple who live together.
How we can help…
Dividing finances and other assets can often be a difficult question, particularly when there are children, but do not panic, the vast majority of our cases are settled by agreement.
We are able to give you advice with a view to coming to a fair and appropriate settlement. This can be negotiated directly between you and your former partner, with the help of mediation, or between solicitors.
Unfortunately, some cases cannot settle, and in those few cases it is necessary to seek a Court determination.
Our family team have substantial experience in dealing with contested Court proceedings and cases involving all levels of assets and different issues. Alternatively, you may wish to see us to discuss formalising an agreement you have already reached with your ex-partner.
From 1st April 2013 many financial dispute cases are no longer be funded by Legal Aid, however we may still be able to advise you under Legal Aid whilst you go through mediation.
Book an appointment
To see us at our offices to discuss your individual circumstances.
Please let us know when booking the appointment if you would like to see us in our wheelchair accessible meeting room.